ƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹F The truth behind standing desks
‹LŽ–NoF 4572
“Še“úF 2023/06/12(Mon) 14:53
“ŠeŽÒF sebrina solis y192-155-80-93.ip.linodeusercontent.comz  <yangsebrina@gmail.com>
ŽQÆæF https://www.fezibo.com/
Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer of cardiovascular disease.
Sales of standing desks have skyrocketed in recent years; in many cases, they are far outselling traditional https://www.fezibo.com/collections/height-adjustable-desk
Personally, I like the idea - it's definitely better to stand than to sit and stare at a computer screen all day.

ƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹F Re: The truth behind standing desks
‹LŽ–NoF 4573
“Še“úF 2023/06/12(Mon) 14:54
“ŠeŽÒF sebrina solis y192-155-80-93.ip.linodeusercontent.comz  <yangsebrina@gmail.com>
ŽQÆæF https://www.fezibo.com/
While sitting, the study subjects burned 80 calories per hour &#8212; about the same as typing or watching TV.
using an electric standing desk for three hours burns an additional 24 calories.
Previous reports of standing versus sitting have suggested that standing has a much higher rate of calorie burn.